(1 replies, posted in Bibliografie)

Ik heb aan zijn podcast (Engelstalig) over Dutroux geluisterd. Indrukwekkend. Matt Graves komt uit Texas. Maar hij heeft een bijzonder diepe kennis van het dossier.

» monster-podcast.com

Hij heeft ook een podcast over De Bende van Nijvel gemaakt. Ik heb het tot nu toe niet geluisterd.


(58 replies, posted in Politiek & Business)

09.30 vandaag » www.aklagare.se


(15 replies, posted in Roze Balletten)

Veel mensen denken dat Debaets weg moest omdat hij 'te dicht bij de waarheid was'. Ik dacht hetzelfde tot enkele jaren geleden. Rijkswachter De Pauw deelde niet deze mening en heeft deze rapport geschreven. Wat een blamage voor Debaets! Volgens De Pauw is hij 'blind geworden' maar bleef van goede trouw. Maar als ik deze rapport lees, heb ik er ernstige twijfels over.

Het is ook interessant dat De Pauw niet 'tegen' X1 was. Hij dacht dat verdere onderzoek nodig was. Haar omschrijving van het gebouw, ivm Christine Van Hees, blijft indrukwekkend.

» www.scribd.com

Ivm met Patrick De Baets en X1, deze PV is ook interessant » www.scribd.com


(15 replies, posted in Roze Balletten)

Ik ben geen voorstander van X1 maar 100% eens met jouw ivm Merckelbach.


(268 replies, posted in 1980-1989)

Dit artikel praat over een geheime kelder in de Waversesteenweg Brussel, de extreem-rechts en Christine Van Hees. Heeft iemand meer informatie over die kelder?

» www.scribd.com


(11 replies, posted in Andere Personen)

Ik vind de volgende punten bijzonder interessant, ivm Shortt, Montgomery Key en Dekaise.

1. Mogelijk link Montgomery Kee - Shortt

Something that I did find extra interesting was the address details of David Montgomery Kee, Flat 14 Kensington Mansions, Trebovir Road, Kensington, London,  SW5 9TF. That address sounds familiar, very similar to a address of one of shortts 'Legion of Frontiersmen' associates used to live at. A guy who shortt claimed was ex 22 SAS before retiring & the joining the LoF, I met him with shortt a few times, knew the guy as: Col John Dunkley.

2. Mogelijk link Montegomery Kee - Dekaise

Via de Luikse wapenfirma Centaure komen Pourtois, van Baelen en Montgomery Kee tijdens de zomer van 1982 in contact met wapenhandelaar Dekaise uit Waver. Dekaise geniet op dat ogenblik een groeiende faam als ontwerper van speciale geluidsdempers en allerlei vernuftige accessoires die bij wapenliefhebbers erg in trek zijn. Na enkele onderhandelingen plaats Montgomery Kee in opdracht van het Amerikaanse bedrijf International Securiy Associates bij Dekaise een bestelling van 250 geluidsdempers voor Ingram-mitrailleurs. Om de zaak te beklinken komt Robert Gray, de directeur van International Security Associates, vanuit New York naar Brussel en betaalt Dekaise een voorschot van duizend dollar. Dekaise begint korte tijd later met de productie van enkele prototypes van de gevraagde geluidsdempers.

3. De fotofit dat de engelse politie hebben gekeken ivm Shortt - No 20 (AANVAL DEKAISE)

The British police officer who is obviously well trained, experienced in photofits, immediately said "Blimey that's a very good likeness, especially when bearing in mind that the photofit is only a artist sketch taken from a witness who was quite possibly still traumatised at the time of giving a worded discription to someone drawing on a blank piece of paper."


(11 replies, posted in Andere Personen)

Meer informatie (Englese bron):

... even as recent as the mid 90's shortt was trafficking small quantities of military explosives through Belgium as well as small arms such as his Ingram mac 10 etc, and according to trusted sources shortt regularly made roads trips across Europe with boot full of weapons that he did not have the correct permits do, so it would seem shortt is quite confident & experienced with committing cross border crimes.

Meer informative (Englese bron) ivm een mogelilk link met David Montgomery Kee:

Something that I did find extra interesting was the address details of David Montgomery Kee, Flat 14 Kensington Mansions, Trebovir Road, Kensington, London, SW5 9TF.

That address sounds familiar & very similar to a address of one of shortts "Legion of Frontiersmen" associates used to live at. A guy who shortt claimed was ex 22 SAS before retiring & the joining the LoF, I met him with shortt a few times & knew the guy as: Col John Dunkley.

Meer informatie (Engelse bron):

You may have already realised from reading the thread that shortt first met ott in 1977 at some jap slap convention, so I would assume that it was not long after that, that shortt & Bulltot first met, and it also strikes me as more than just coincidence that the late 70's early 80's period is when shortt makes his first claims to carrying out training in Belgium trying to make a name for himself as ott's protégée & started mixing with the mercenaries via his then newly formed friendship with the owner of the "Bar Simba" in Belgium prior to shortt going off on his first trip to Yemen & Afghanistan for 3 weeks (under the alias of Gerard Peters & his adopted Muslim alias "Jehan Mohammed") where he had that alleged dinner meeting with OBL.

We also know shortt returned to Afghanistan not long after his first trip with a Irish guy for the purposes of either trying to sell products or to collect arms left laying around to be smuggled out the country & sold on the black market. The Irish guy used to also work with shortt for the English gangster Charlie Kray in the mid to late 80's, and through that association shortt trained various people, some of which were directly involved working in the London underworld, and in the early 90's there was a assassination on a London street where two of the suspects involved with that were directly & personally trained by shortt.

One of them was convicted & the other from what I understand was questioned by British police but there was insufficient evidence to prove his involvement therefore never charged, shortt was also questioned as his name came up more than once in that murder investigation about who he was training & what was he actually training. Even though there has been criminal convictions, the British police have not closed that murder investigation as they know there were other people involved who have yet to be brought to justice.

Some years later on a different serious matter another former shortt student/ associate was also wanted & questioned by police as this guy was alleged to have carried out some training with suspects connected to 911, I do not know the exact details of his involvement or the outcome, but again one name that keeps popping up time & time again is "jim shortt", who we also know has a striking resemblance to the police photofit sketch you supplied some time ago.


(11 replies, posted in Andere Personen)

Ik praatte met Eddy Vos op 21/4/2010, en de volgende email gezonden. Maar ik heb niets meer gehoord.

Suite à notre discution téléphonique d'il y a une demi-heure, voilà les infos, avec photo, sur l'anglais James Shortt.

La photo de Shortt était prise lorsque Shortt était mercenaire en Afghanistan pendant les années 80. Elle se trouve dans l'email qui suit celui-ci. Si vous ne le reçevez pas ça veut dire qu'il y a probablement un problème quelque part avec un firewall.

Ce que je trouve particulièrement intéressant est l'opinion professionelle d'un policier britannique, qui a étudié ces images pendant une réunion, avec ses collègues, en Angleterre.

The British police officer who is obviously well trained & experienced in photofits, immediately said "Blimey that's a very good likeness, especially when bearing in mind that the photofit is only a artist sketch taken from a witness who was quite possibly still traumatised at the time of giving a worded discription to someone drawing on a blank piece of paper".

Shortt était très proche de Jean Bultot. Bultot travaillait pour Shortt et ils suivaient les même entrainements en Belgique et en Angleterre. Shortt connaissait aussi très bien Lucien Ott (le soi-disant ancien "gorillé de Charles De Gaulle, et qui fréquentait le Jonathon) parce qu'ils travaillaient ensemble à Bruxelles. Bultot travaillait aussi pour Ott.

James Gerard Richard Shortt est né à Purley, Surrey (banlieu de Londres) le 17 septembre 1953

Shortt a souvent travaillé comme mercenaire, pendant les années 80, en Afghanistan. Il était actif plus tard en ex-Yougoslavie.

Je ne sais pas si Shortt parle français.

Si vous voudriez des informations supplémentaires sur Shortt, j'ai quelques contacts en Angleterre qui sont très bien informés à son égard.


(7 replies, posted in Westland New Post)

Trojan wrote:

In 1988 al worden al die verbanden blootgelegd ... Zonder gevolg. hmm



(41 replies, posted in Onderzoekspistes)

Merovinger wrote:

Of dit waren "examens" om na te gaan of je voldeed aan de gestelde eisen, zoals de dubbele moord in de Herderliedstraat.

Interessant idee.