Topic: Kexel-Hepp

In de 'CIA Terrorism Review' van februari 1986 staat een kort stukje over de West-Duitse terreurgroep "Kexel-Hepp". Ik plaats dit hier niet omdat er een link zou kunnen met de Bende van Nijvel maar vanwege de info die onderlijnd is. De groep is begonnen met het plegen van overvallen om hun terrorisme te kunnen financieren:

The best known practitioner of rightwing terrorism, the "Kexel-Hepp Group", was put out of business in mid-1985. That group had been founded in june 1982 by two West German rightwing activists. Walther Kexel and Odfried Hepp. They had been members of separate neo-Nazi groups, Kexel in the People’s Socialist Movement/Workers Party and Hepp with the Military Sports Group Hoffman. The new group first committed robberies in November 1982 and then bombed US military targets in December, severely injuring two US soldiers.

Bron: CIA | Terrorisme Review | 10 februari 1986

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Re: Kexel-Hepp

Hieronder - puur informatief - de volledige tekst uit het document: 

West German Rightwing Extremists

Unlike the situation in Italy, violence by rightwing extremist groups in West Germany has been almost nonexistent in recent months - no more than some vandalism and threats against foreign guest workers - and is unlikely to pose even an indirect threat to the West German Government or US interests in 1986. Indeed, most of the groups appear to be concerned that an outbreak of rightwing terrorism could create an anti-Nazi backlash. the last rightwing attacks involving US facilities and personnel in West Germany occurred in 1982 against the privately owned vehicles of US servicement.

Kexel-Hepp. The best known practitioner of rightwing terrorism, the "Kexel-Hepp Group", was put out of business in mid-1985. That group had been founded in June 1982 by two West German rightwing activists. Walther Kexel and Odfried Help. They had been members of separate neo-Nazi groups, Kexel in the People’s Socialist Movement/Workers’ Party and Hepp with the Military Sports Group Hoffman. The new group first committed robberies in November 1982 and then bombed US military targets in December, severely injuring two US soldiers.

Their reign of terror was cut short, however, when Kexel and another member were arrested by British police in February 1983. After he received a 14-year sentence from a West German court for the 1982 attacks, Kexel committed suicide in prison on 17 March 1985. Shortly thereafter, on 8 April, French authorities arrested Hepp in a Paris apartment. The French agreed to extradite him to West Germany to face robbery charges, but have so far refused to include the more serious attacks against the US military personnel.

Hepp had a long history of involvement with Middle Eastern terrorist groups. In 1980, he reportedly trained with the Palestinian Fatah in Lebanon as a member of the Hoffman-group. [gecensureerd] These old ties were evidently still warm in early 1985. On the same day as Hepp’s arrest, a Palestian carrying a Tunisian passport also was arrested in Paris in connection with a delivery of a suitcase full of weapons. [gecensureerd]

It is precisely this sort of marriage of convenience between indigenous West European groups and Middle Eastern terrorists that concern Western authorities, but no new information has come to light since Hepp’s arrest on such cooperation with West German rightwing groups.

Bron: CIA | Terrorisme Review | 10 februari 1986

"Le monde est dangereux à vivre! Non pas tant à cause de ceux qui font le mal, mais à cause de ceux qui regardent et laissent faire." Volg ons via » Facebook | YouTube


Re: Kexel-Hepp

(...) Rightwing terrorist organizations suffered setbacks during the year. Most members of the Kexel-Hepp group-rightwing terrorists responsible for violent attacks on the American military community in 1982 were arrested in February, although Hepp remains at large. In December, the West German Government banned the radical rightwing organization Action Front of National Socialists (ANS) , the major neo-Nazi organization in the country.

Bron: Patterns of Global Terrorism; 1983 | United States Departement of State

"Le monde est dangereux à vivre! Non pas tant à cause de ceux qui font le mal, mais à cause de ceux qui regardent et laissent faire." Volg ons via » Facebook | YouTube